#26: My Secrets to Maintaining a Healthy Weight

fitness food mindset Feb 28, 2024

In this episode, Karen reflects on her journey of maintaining a healthy weight for over five years, offering practical tips and mindset shifts that have contributed to her success.

Karen discusses key strategies she started implementing, such as prioritizing consistent actions aligned with her body's needs, finding motivational hacks to stay on track, simplifying meal preparation, and adopting a mindful approach to planning. Additionally, she highlights three crucial habits she stopped, including avoiding breakfasts that spike blood sugar, prioritizing her own needs over others', and reframing the concept of "starting over" to maintain momentum and self-compassion.

Tune in to learn how Karen's holistic approach to weight loss combines practical strategies with a nurturing mindset, empowering listeners to embark on their own journey towards sustainable wellness.

Watch on You Tube here.

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